Humble Monthly Bundle Wrap Up for August 2018

Hello again,

Welcome to the wrap up of the Humble Monthly Bundle for August 2018.

This month there were three games in the Early unlock system. You can read the reviews through these links, as well as see the videos below. If you prefer videos consider subscribing to the Youtube channel, as that’s the fastest way to learn about the Humble Monthly Bundle Reviews as well as anything else I’m playing.

A Hat in Time: A rather fun and cute platformer

The Escapists 2: A prison escape game.

Conan Exiles: A survival game in the Conan’s universe.

So with all three games reviewed with links available right there.  I’ve considered what to do about the bundle overall.

Rather than grade the bundle, or give it a recommendation or not, I’ve decided to talk about what I think is special about this bundle. The fact is, I don’t think I would ever not recommend a Humble Monthly Bundle, I honestly think all Humble Monthly Bundles are worth the money. 12 bucks isn’t a lot for a good game, and here we have 3 major games. In addition you get a total of 8 games, so five more will be released on the first Friday of the new month. With steam keys for all of them (except the original) it’s worth it to pick it up.

With that said. Why do I recommend Humble Monthly Bundle for August 2018?

A Hat in Time is simply fantastic, it’s probably worth the full 40 to anyone who likes platformers, getting it at 12 dollars is an incredible deal. In addition Conan Exiles, while I’m a touch ambivalent about (read the review for more) is also a fantastic deal and as it just came out in May, it’s still going for 40, so again 12 dollars moves it’s score up to a recommendation. Now, I’m not a fan of The Escapists, or it’s sequel The Escapists 2, but if you’re curious, it’s packaged in an extremely exciting bundle, and I think the other two games will delight you even if it falls flat.

In addition you’ll easily play these games for more than 12 hours, so if you want a good amount of gameplay on a budget. It’s a no brainer. I played each of them for 12 hours and a total of 48 hours.

So if you’re interested in the Humble Bundle you can find it on their site. Here’s a link if you’re curious.

With that said, I’m going to go back and play some more games (currently about to dig into Mega Man X Legacy, and very excited for that), but I will be back soon to talk about Humble Monthly Bundle September 2018.

Until then. Kinglink out!

Disclosure: There is a ref/partner link on the Humble Bundle link. It doesn’t affect your purchase and you will get the normal price. By signing up with it, you’ll give me a few extra funds to continue to get and review newer games for a reasonable price, and to keep this site going.

I am not directly paid by Humble Bundle for reviewing their games, and in fact I purchase this bundle and others monthly and normal bundles myself with my own funds, but review it as a service to my readers. In addition the existence of the Partner program does not affect my opinion of the bundle, but I realized I could provide that link as a service for you to find it, and it could help fund my gaming habit.

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