The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day – A completely average experience

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is a point-and-click adventure game where the player takes on the role of a robot in a society where humans have been extinct. That’s the premise the game starts with.

The main character is a robot whose primary job is a scavenger and builds tools for others as the game starts with a simple set of tutorial tasks. Sadly this job has very little to do with the game, but it’s an interesting concept. Instead as the player walks out of his house after the first night, a giant spaceship crashes in front of him.

The crash leads to our second set piece where the player explores the small vehicle. But much like the rest of the game, the crash is a small cramped area with only a handful of choices or places to explore. Very few meaningful decisions are made, and ultimately the player will find out the secret of the hold. Humans are still alive apparently. This leads the player to leave the craft and suddenly he’s arrested by robots, but those robots are attacked and the player is whisked to a new location.

If this sounds disjointed, you’d be right. Much of The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day revolves around stuff happening to our main character, and robots telling him where to go. There’s minor puzzles such as finding a battery to shock a robot back to life, but ultimately the game is unable to create a larger, more interesting narrative to hook the player into the story.

Humans still exist, but there’s no real value to them, and since none appear in the game, they’re just a macguffin for the main character to chase. Even the world that the player finds themselves in, a world without humans, doesn’t feel interesting to explore because so little happens outside of the puzzles in the game. Those puzzles are quite simplistic as well, requiring players to “find the fuse” for an object which is just sitting on a table..

Yet there’s no mechanic to find all interactable objects, so pixel hunting still happens, and this was released in 2016. It’s just an odd choice for a point-and-click game which makes me wonder if the developer even understood what players of the genre had become accustomed to by this point in time.

The voice acting is also quite robotic. This sounds like a positive thing in a world completely run by robots. Yet the only thing I felt from the voice acting was a desire to play a game with humans as the lack of emotion was not interesting, and players should expect more. Games like Detroit Become Human show how robots can sound while still retaining a personality, but The Uncertain’s voice acting makes me actively not want to hear the delivery.

This sounds like I’m bashing the game, but I’m not. The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is not a bad game. There are good puzzles in it, just very simplistic, and the story tries to be interesting, even if it’s only three hours long and just pushing players through scenes.

The only real issue I had with The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day was the fact that the game overwrites your only save file if you ever click on the New Game and start over. I actually was only one or two interactable objects from the final scene in the game, and accidentally starting a new game wiping my progress. This is a horrible mistake, but it’s hardly the only bug remaining in The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day, though it is the biggest one.

And considering all these factors, I don’t hate The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day . It’s not a great game, but at 3 hours long, it’s too short to be terrible. The concept is good, even if the execution leaves a lot to be desired, and there are a few enjoyable moments.

But at the same time, it’s only three hours long, and too short to be great. The concept is the only thing really worth listening to and you hear about that in the first five minutes, and then game ends abruptly and on a poor cliffhanger (I watched a youtube video for it).

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is ultimately just average, and that might be the most damning thing. The sequel has just been released but after playing The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day I’m going to be passing on that.

I’m going to award The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day the most average of scores on the arbitrary scale,


If you want to see an earlier look at this topic or the other humble bundle games that are available this month, you can check it out here.

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